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Favourites & bookmarks

Favourites (for Internet Explorer users) and Bookmarks (for Netscape users) are a quick and easy method for recording and revisiting websites.

Internet Explorer Users

Internet Explorer screenshot

To create a Favourites list, simply:
1. Go to a web page you want to refer back to regularly.
2. Click on the favorites word on the top of the Explorer window.
3. An ‘Add Favorite’ window will appear, click OK.

To view your Favourites list and go to those sites:
1. Click on the icon called Favorites near the top of the Explorer window.
2. A list of your favourite web sites will appear as a separate window on the left of your screen.
3. This list will also include sites which Microsoft have deemed to be favourites.
4. Single click on any site name to go to that site.

Netscape Users

Netscape screenshot

To create a Bookmark list, simply:
1. Go to a web page you want to refer back to regularly.
2. Click on the bookmarks word on the top of the Netscape window.
3. An ‘Add Bookmark’ window will appear, click OK.

To view your Bookmarks and go to those sites:
1. Click on the icon called Bookmarks near the top of the Netscape window.
2. A list of your favourite web sites will appear as a separate window on the left of your screen.
3. This list will also include sites which Netscape have deemed to be favourites.
4. Single click on any site name to go to that site.